The Dance Between your Masculine and Feminine Energy


Introducing Modern Minds - a community of professionals dedicated to wholeness — mind, body, soul. Modern Minds is a new way of health care, where we work as a team to help strengthen your core from the inside out. Here we lean upon varying modalities, these include Psychology, Counselling, Social Work, Acupuncture as well as Nutrition and Dietetics to balance your masculine and feminine energy in whatever way your body may be yearning for.

We were so fortunate to have crossed paths with the equally beautiful and talented artist Rikki Day who has helped us bring Modern Minds to life, via her empowering art. Here Rikki has showcased the true essence of what Modern Minds endeavours to teach those who are open to listening. Modern Minds is a new way of health care, providing you with tools to help ebb and flow in and out of your masculine and feminine energy, regardless of what gender you identify with.

Meet Rikki

Rikki day is a humble yet extremely talented artist, who is blessed to live on the Gold Coast, Australia. Rikki is deeply passionate about bringing the human body to life across varying means, where her capturing artwork is a true expression of her deepest feminine energy. 

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“Being asked to create a set of artworks that spoke of the masculine feminine balance within ourselves was an absolute delight to me. I’ve always had a grand appreciation for the concept that each one of us have masculine and feminine energy inside of us that we dance between and call upon at different times.

My upbringing, is something I truly treasure as I was raised in a same sex household & being 25 years ago that was considered quite unconventional. But it was in this unconventional environment that I deeply got to witness women stepping into their true power though allowing themselves to confidently ebb and flow between the masculine and feminine.

My mother and her partner at the time were remarkable women who were equally strong, determined & independent as they were gentle, creative and nurturing. I now as an adult feel very grateful to have been taught from such a young age how to integrate the masculine and feminine energies within my personality.

I wholeheartedly believe that there is real power in having a consciousness of them and being able to call upon either one of them in times of need. So of course, it was such an honour to create these artworks and to be aligned with Kobi and Modern Minds as they convey this beautiful concept to their community”.

- Rikki Day 

modern minds

The Masculine

Mantra: I step up to the opportunity with passion and fearlessness

When we speak about the masculine energy we refer to the part of self that can often be recognised as our ‘ego’. Our masculine energy constitutes power, authority, drive, action, logic and helps us to pursue the chase. It is important to understand that each of these qualities are neither good nor bad, rather necessary for different times that arise throughout our life. Some powerful ways to ignite our masculine energy when required include; strength training, set a challenging goal at work, undertake problem solving.

The Natural Masculine - confidence, natural strength, stability, logical, clarity, boundaries,

The Wounded Masculine - controlling, aggressive, withdrawn, too competitive, unstable, avoidant

Modern Minds

The Feminine

Mantra: I take this time now surrender and flow.

The feminine energy supports us to undertake a beautiful flowing dance through life, encouraging ease and letting our heart lead the way. The feminine does not act simply to receive, rather to just give from a place of pure love. Ways that we can tap into our feminine energy include; dancing, painting, singing, 

The Natural Feminine - unconditional love, nurturing, understanding, stillness, flow, allowing, kindness, creative, feeling, tenderness

The Wounded Feminine - victim, withholding, neediness, codependency, over-emotional, powerless

Modern Minds

Bringing them Together

These artworks were commissioned by Modern Minds to reflect the mission of the team to connect with all people, irrespective of race, age and gender. The intention of these artworks is to encourage all to draw on both their feminine & masculine energies to find a sense of balance between. Here we endeavour for our community to connect to these beautiful pieces of art, serving them as a gentle reminder to tap into their body and pivot where required.

Kobie Allison