Green Therapy: Harnessing The Healing Power Of Nature For Trauma Survivors

Trauma can have a profound impact on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Traditional therapeutic approaches have proven effective in helping trauma survivors, but there is growing evidence that nature can play a significant role in the healing process. Green therapy, also known as ecotherapy or nature therapy, involves incorporating nature-based activities into therapeutic interventions.

How Nature Can Help Trauma Survivors In Their Healing Process

The healing power of nature for trauma survivors is a well-documented and widely recognised phenomenon. Nature has a unique ability to provide solace, comfort, and support to individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma-informed psychologists are increasingly incorporating outdoor activities and the healing environment of nature into their treatment strategies for trauma survivors. Here are some ways in which nature can help trauma survivors in their healing process:

Stress reduction

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. Trauma survivors often experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety, and being in nature can help to alleviate these symptoms.

Connection and grounding

Nature provides a sense of connection and grounding for trauma survivors. It can help them feel more rooted and anchored, providing a sense of stability and safety. Being in nature can also remind survivors of their place in the world and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Mindfulness and presence

Nature encourages mindfulness and being present in the moment. Trauma survivors often struggle with intrusive thoughts and memories related to their trauma. Being in nature can help redirect their focus to the present moment, allowing them to experience a sense of calm and tranquility.

Sensory stimulation

The sights, sounds, smells, and textures found in nature can provide sensory stimulation that is soothing and healing for trauma survivors. This sensory experience can help to distract from traumatic memories and promote a sense of well-being.

Symbolism and metaphor

Nature often holds symbolic meaning and can serve as a metaphor for the healing process. Just as nature goes through cycles of growth, transformation, and renewal, trauma survivors can find inspiration and hope in the resilience and strength of the natural world.

Physical activity and exercise

Engaging in physical activities in nature, such as walking, hiking, or gardening, can have numerous benefits for trauma survivors. Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It also promotes overall physical health and well-being.

Trauma psychologists recognise that nature is a valuable resource for emotional recovery, despite its often-overlooked therapeutic influence. Connecting with a trauma specialist who integrates nature-based therapies can offer survivors a unique avenue for healing and growth, harnessing the natural world's profound restorative power.

Incorporate Nature as a Therapeutic Approach This Summer

The healing power of nature and being outdoors has been widely recognised as a valuable tool for trauma recovery. The summer provides the perfect opportunity to embrace outdoor activities and make the most of the natural world around us. These activities not only promote physical fitness but also offer a sense of connection to the natural environment. The soothing sounds of water, the fresh air, and the beauty of the surroundings can create a calming and therapeutic atmosphere, allowing individuals to find solace and healing amid their trauma recovery journey. Incorporating nature and being outdoors can be highly beneficial for trauma recovery.

Here are some suggestions on how to incorporate nature into your healing process:

Spend time in green spaces

Visit parks, gardens, or nearby natural areas that offer a peaceful and calming environment. Surrounding yourself with greenery can have a positive impact on your mental well-being. Walking in nature can enhance mindfulness and provide opportunities for reflection and self-discovery. Engage with the environment by observing and connecting with the natural elements around you.

Engage in outdoor activities

Participate in activities such as hiking, biking, gardening, playing outdoor games, or even simply taking a walk in nature. Being in natural surroundings can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase feelings of well-being. It can also provide sensory stimulation through the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. These activities can help you connect with the natural world and provide a sense of grounding and peace.

Practice mindfulness in nature

Use nature as a backdrop for mindfulness exercises. Engage your senses by paying attention to the sounds, smells, textures, and colours around you. This can help you stay present and cultivate a sense of calm. Mindful walking in nature, grounding oneself by focusing on the sensations of being in nature, or practicing nature-based meditation are a few ways you can practice mindfulness.

Try nature-based therapies

Explore nature-based therapies such as ecotherapy, wilderness therapy, or horticultural therapy. These therapies combine the healing power of nature with professional guidance to support trauma recovery. Examples include horticultural therapy (working with plants and gardens), animal-assisted therapy (interacting with animals), and wilderness therapy (using outdoor adventures for personal growth).

Consider animal-assisted therapy

Interacting with animals, such as horses or therapy dogs, in a natural environment can be incredibly therapeutic. Animal-assisted therapy can help reduce anxiety, increase feelings of safety, and promote emotional healing.

Connect with natural elements

Spend time near water bodies like lakes, rivers, or the ocean. The sound of water can be soothing and help release stress. Additionally, spend time under the sun to boost your vitamin D levels and improve your mood.

Whether it's taking a dip in a serene lake, exploring a picturesque hiking trail, or engaging in friendly competition on the tennis court, the summer season offers countless opportunities to immerse ourselves in the healing power of nature.

Kobie Allison