Online and Telephone Therapy
We understand that your location, lifestyle or preference may not always suit in-person appointments. As such, we as a team offer online video or telephone appointments through Telehealth. This option is available to all clients, to make it as easy as possible for everyone to access therapy services.
Through Telehealth, clients can now connect with their preferred therapist in a way that suits them, and from a location where they are comfortable (usually in their own homes). For some, the thought of opening up about personal struggles in a face-to-face setting can be intimidating. Telehealth offers a solution by providing a sense of privacy and anonymity that fosters openness and honesty.
Some other benefits of Telehealth appointments include:
Convenience for clients, allowing more accessible appointment times
We can reach clients in any location, particularly important if you are in a rural location and access to counselling services may be limited
Connect with your preferred therapist no matter where you live in the country
Access therapy from any location - being your own home, or travelling and on the road
All of our Modern Minds practitioners are available via Telehealth, with some Saturday availabilities. To learn more about the team click, here.
Booking a Telehealth appointment is easy and can be done through our online booking platform.