Endo and Mental Health

By Corinne Leach

Endometriosis (endo) is a complex, whole body condition, estimated to affect 10% of women and gender diverse people of reproductive age.

Research has shown endometriosis impacts quality of life; causing chronic pain, fertility struggles and emotional distress. Due to the chronic nature of this condition, it unsurprisingly affects sufferer’s mental health and wellbeing.

Endo is an inflammatory condition, where tissue that is normally inside the uterus (endometrium) grows in other parts of the body. The most common symptoms of endo include period pain, digestive symptoms (bloating, alternating constipation and/or diarrhoea) and heavy periods. Period pain alone is not diagnostic, and the level of pain one experiences does not necessarily reflect the state of disease.

This condition is oestrogen dependant, and involves immune dysfunction. Some less common symptoms include: ovulation pain, cyclical vaginal thrush and frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Stress is a key driver, therefore stress management and lifestyle changes are vital for long term management. Medical diagnosis takes an average of seven to ten years, adding to sufferer’s mental load.

Current research has looked into pain and nerve sensitivity in endo, and how a person’s perception of pain plays a role. Past trauma may affect our feelings of physical pain, and therefore psychology can play an important role.

Treatment of endometriosis is multifactorial, and requires the management of a health care team. This may include – your G.P., gynaecologist, specialist excision surgeon, psychologist Naturopath, dietitian and acupuncturist. Acupuncture for the pain management of endometriosis is promising in clinical trials.

Do you have a suspected or confirmed case of endo? From a natural health perspective we would look into gut microbiome imbalances, nutrient deficiencies (especially Vitamin D) and your oestrogen/progesterone ratio. Dietary and lifestyle changes can play a big role in the management of your symptoms, alongside personalised herbal and/or nutritional medicines.

Book a free 20 minute discovery call now so we can discuss your options, so you can feel more control over your health and your body again.

Corinne Leach