Finding Contentment & Showing Up for Yourself


It can be easy to allow the circumstances around us to dictate our happiness and easy to place our contentment and sense of personal value in the hands of others. Our external situation around us will change constantly and our happiness needs to be determined and dependent upon something more stable than changing variables.

Brisbane Social Worker

We need to be responsible for our creating own happiness. It’s a hard reality to come to. It’s much easier to romanticise our reality changing or to wait for someone to swoop on in and save the day so we can finally be happy.  I want to encourage you, regardless of where you find yourself, that happiness is possible. Healing is possible. And while it might not feel that way, it’s possible to obtain these things at your own hands. It just takes hard work and commitment to yourself to create a space that you want to live in.

Here are some ways you can show up for yourself:

1 - Take time to connect with yourself 

Identify what is going on in your body and mind. What are your needs in this moment? How can you meet your own needs?

2 - Practice Self-Compassion

Acknowledge your humanity and situation and meet yourself with kindness. There are plenty of things you can be critical about if you wish to be, but choose to tend to yourself gently.

3 - Pay Attention to Your Thinking

Be aware of how your thinking informs your feelings. Your feelings inform your behaviour.  

4 - Get Curious

Take this opportunity to get curious about the things that you react to. What is causing this? How can you care for yourself? What do I look to or search for when distressed or anxious? Why am I responding this way? How can I meet my own needs in a healthy way?

5 - Carve Out Space to do the Things you Love

What is something that you would like to bring back into your life? What is that something that sets your soul on fire and makes you feel truly alive? Is it a dance class, pottery, swimming, nature walks ? This is your sign to bring that ‘thing’ back into your life.

6 - Celebrate the Small Wins

It can be easy to skip over the wins in our life, so I encourage you to celebrate every win big or small. This can be as simple as taking a moment to sit it gratitude or celebrating with your loved ones.

7 - Disengage from Disrespectful Behaviour - Towards Yourself and Towards Others.

Address negative self talk and give yourself space from people who make you feel small.

8- Practice Presence

Practice being more present where you are. Bring yourself back to your environment and pay attention to the space you’re occupying.

9 - Establish Boundaries

Set some healthy boundaries with kindness, to help protect your energy.

10 - Prioritise your Health

Prioritise eating nourishing food, sleeping and daily exercising. These things are fundamental to development, daily functioning and improved mood.

11 - Invest in Real Connection

Make sure that you connect with trusted people who believe in you and support you.


This article was written by our warm and nurturing social worker, Laura Robinson. Laura works from a client-centred approach so individuals feel heard and understood, empowered and cared for. Laura is warm, empathetic and compassionate, creating a space where clients feel safe and respected. Laura is passionate about walking alongside individuals in their healing journey, acknowledging that each individual is unique and as such requires personalised support, according to their needs and what they are facing in life. 

Click here to learn more about how Laura can support you.

Kobie Allison