Psychologists & Counsellors in Queensland | Modern Minds

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Modern Minds is a collaborative psychology practice that helps you feel whole again


Sometimes life leads us along a more difficult path than others. Here at Modern Minds our team is compromised of professional psychologists, counsellors and a clinical nutritionist, who are dedicated to support your mind, body, and soul regardless of where you may be in your journey.


Our Services

Everything we do at the Modern Minds psychology practice stems from our philosophy around personal empowerment. To work on the source of the issue rather than symptom relief by looking at the WHOLE PERSON; mind, body and soul.

Through a specific set of skills, our team collectively helps to identify what this is for you and give you the tools needed to reach your individual goals of therapy. We offer a range of holistic services for adults, couples, parents, teenagers and children. Our qualified team of psychologists, counsellors, and other allied health therapists are here to help quieten your critical mind, reveal your purpose and passion, ignite your energy and live according to your values. Our goal is to work alongside you, helping you to reach your full potential by giving you the skills to return home; mind, body and soul.


Our Team

A team dedicated to wholeness

Everything we do stems from our philosophy of personal empowerment. Our team of multi-modal practitioners shares a special interest in trauma counselling, anxiety, depression, couples therapy, grief and loss, eating disorders, and general well-being.

Are you beginning your holistic health journey or unsure which practitioner will suit your needs? Email our Client Care Officer at for support in finding the best match for you.


The Modern Minds difference


Book with Ease

Using the Modern Minds Portal, clients can book online, cancel and reschedule appointments at any time.


Convenient Location

The Modern Minds clinic is located in Windsor, Brisbane. Can’t make it in person? We offer a range of Telehealth options.


Fees & Referrals

Whether claiming through Medicare or Private Health Insurance, the Modern Minds team makes the process simple and easy.


Session Packs

To help ease the burden of rising living costs, and to provide more people with access, we have introduced discounted Session Packs.




Discover the Modern Minds Wellness Centre

We are passionate about supporting all members of the community, particularly solo parents, trauma sufferers, and those finding it difficult to break through personal struggles. We are committed to a holistic approach and work on the source of the issue rather than the symptom.

With this in mind, we have created a hub where you can discover resources to help you along your mental wellness journey. They are here for you to utilise whenever and wherever you need to reset and re-center your mind.


There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.

— Leonard Cohen


The Modern Minds Journal


In keeping with our values around flexibility and individuality, the Modern Minds Journal provides a diverse channel of mental health resources, leaning upon different learning styles and formats to reach each individual.


Join the movement to develop your modern mind. #MODERNMINDSMOVEMENT



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