Toxic Load and Its Impact on Our Wellbeing

By Monica Caligiuri

Living in the 21st century, it’s likely you’re being exposed to a fair whack of environmental toxins in your life. Whether through pollution and electromagnetic radiation or consuming produce that is spiked with artificial colours and preservatives - toxins are everywhere!

Exposure to toxins can compromise the way our body functions and can create oxidative stress, gut dysbiosis and decrease liver function leaving us with symptoms like fatigue, brain-fog, anxiety, depression, sleep problems or even just a general feeling of malaise.

So, what exactly contributes to a toxic load?

There are a few key players when it comes to contaminating culprits in our life and they are;

  • Environmental Toxins

    Pollution, wifi, heavy metals and plastics all require processing by the body.  We are exposed to an unprecedented amount of these compounds which is placing an unprecedented demand on our bodies.

  • Stress

    Ongoing stress, anxiety and worry keep the body in a ‘flight/fight’ response which decreases the ability to fight pathogens and disease.  During times of stress the body’s nutritional needs become higher (especially for the need for the magic mineral, magnesium) and if not meet can create deficiency.

  • Stimulants

    Coffee, refined sugar, alcohol and tobacco place a burden on the liver.  This extra load can sabotage the body’s detoxification efforts.

  • Food

    Many conventional foods are spiked with fungicides, herbicides and pesticides which are challenging elements for the body to process.

How Toxic Load Impacts the Body

The body is cleverly designed to filter and eliminate toxins 24/7.  The liver, skin, lungs and kidneys alongside the lymphatic, cardiovascular and digestive system are always humming away to maintain homeostasis (i.e.: balance within the body).

They are constantly processing, filtering and, eliminating environmental toxins, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, hormones etc.. In modern life, these body systems and organs get a massive workout and, are often overworked and overwhelmed!  With detoxification systems compromised, a toxic load is created in the body. This might display as:

  • Endocrine disturbances – hormone imbalance, PMS, thyroid disorder, disruptive menopause

  • Digestive imbalance – bloating, gas, gut dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome

  • Mood disorders – low energy, restlessness, anxiety and depression

Thankfully, there are ways to reduce your exposure to environmental nasties while increasing your body’s ability to process, filter and eliminate efficiently.  They include;

The top 5 ways to reduce the toxic load in your life:

  1. Drink pure water

    The best way to assist your body to detoxify is to drink enough water!  Make sure it is pure, filtered water otherwise your body will become the filter!

  2. Reduce environmental toxins and do a digital detox.

    Take the burden off your liver by using non-tox cleaning products and skin care.  Aim to turn off technology by 8pm of an evening and, avoid switching it on again until after you are up, dressed and feed of a morning. Gift yourself some digital free time and space to defrag, process and switch off.

  3. Get in the ‘Zen Zone’

    Restorative activities like Yoga, Thai Chi, walking or spending time in nature can help the body slow down and get into a calm state.  This is the place where our body can best repair and replenish.

  4. Supplement with quality nutraceuticals or supplements

    Therapeutic doses of Vitamins and Minerals can restore the body to health and protect against toxic load. Consider seeing a good health Practitioner to get precise guidance as to how to strengthen and support your body with quality nutritionals.

  5. Get support!

    If you are struggling with the challenges of life in any way, think about seeing a professional Counsellor, Psychologist or Nutritionist for support.  Help is always here for you.

Monica Caliguiri